Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I don't like all change. Some changes are good. The changes I've experienced in the past few weeks have been very painful. People that I thought I was good friends with, I realize that I'm not. And all for different reasons. One person just moved on to another group of friends. We still talk and hang out a little bit but, we aren't close like I wanted us to be. It almost feels like rejection. It's not that we don't see each other and we don't ever have time. She just chose a different set of friends. And my other friendship has just withered down to nothing. I'm so sad about it.

Why do things like this happen. Why do some friendships fade and some stay strong? I wish things were different.

1 comment:

Nathan O. said...

It's frustrating because no one can force friendships- they happen naturally. Now, that doesn't mean we don't have to work at them, but we have to WANT to work at them. Ya know? But when people simply become complacent in their relationships, that reveals something deeper about their heart and character. It's a sobering thought.

This is an issue I've gone through many times as well, Rach. I think after a while I just had to decide if this person was truly a person I wanted to value deeply and rely on as a friend. Was this person the type of person I wanted to be close to in life.