Monday, August 17, 2009

Dilemma of a College Graduate

There's a gnawing in my stomach. A sense that all is not right in Rachael's world. Here I am, 24. What have I done with my life thus far? I've graduated from college-that's an accomplishment. My gpa is nothing spectacular. I've held a series of meaningless jobs, with a few exceptions. I have a degree that's really only useful in the church or academic world. I feel...ordinary.

I have filled out what seems to be hundreds of job applications so that I am not a burden on my parents longer than I have to be. Secretary. Administrative Assistant. Law firms. Medical offices. Community Colleges. But I can't shake the feeling that's eating away at my insides. I can't stop thinking about it long enough to fall asleep at night. I'm ordinary. No special skills. No special qualifications. Now I realize that this is slightly pessimistic of me. I realize that someone, somewhere will hire me.

But what if I want to be extraordinary? What if I want a life that's beyond Sherwood, Ar. A life that's bigger than me? What if I want to affect change, make a difference in my world? And then the questions flood my mind, the most blaring...where do I go from here?

1 comment:

fair one said...

My situation's a little different. At 25 I'm still in college, still working on my BS, and my GPA could use quite a bit of polishing. It may not be an easy-to-market quality, but you have such amazing people skills and your insights have depth; you can analyze the situation well. I don't know a lot about the workforce in general other than it's a hard time now, but I know those skills will help you. Not an earth-shattering response, but I trust that God's got amazing plans for you and will lead you. May His grace and peace be with you!