Tuesday, September 25, 2007

One day at a time

It's a new semester. School is finally winding down. I can see the end in the distance. After this semester just a short 27 hours and then I will graduate. And then there is the future. What will the future look like for me? Will I be in Arkansas? Will I stay in Texas? Will I have the kind of job that I want to have or will I have one that just pays the bills? And I wonder, will I make it? Will I be the person God has created me to be? And when these moments happen, like they did a couple of hours ago I have to remind myself today I can. Today, I can be disciplined. Today I can grow a little bit closer to God. Today I can make healthy choices. It's not hard to do it just for one day. I have to remember that I can conquer my mountains but I have to do it one moment at a time, one step, one day. And at the end of the day I know that I am better than I was the day before.


Timothy Hill said...

Cool thoughts, Rach! I'm glad to have seen you this Sunday!

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