Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Freedom from Sin

I am researching for a paper that I have to write. It's about atonement, Christ's sacrifice. Jesus died on the cross and that act atoned for every sin and every wrong. I came across this poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. It's about Peter and what he might have felt when he first saw Jesus after the resurrection-after the denials.

The Savior looked on Peter. Ay, no word,
No gesture of reproach: the heavens serene,
Though heavy with armed justice, did no lean
Their thunders that way: the forsaken Lord
Looked only on the traitor. None record

What that look was, none guess; for those who have seen
Wronged lovers loving through a death-pang keen,
Or pale-cheeked martyrs smiling to a sword,
Have missed Jehovah at the judgment-call.
And Peter, from the height of blasphemy—
“I never knew this man”—did quail and fall,
As knowing straight that God, and turn’d free,
And went out speechless from the face of all,
And filled the silence, weeping bitterly.

I think that look on Christ might seem to say,
“Thou Peter! Art thou, then, a common stone
Which I at last must break my heart upon,
For all God’s charge to His high angels may
Guard my foot better? Did I yesterday
Wash thy feet, my beloved, that they should run
Quick to deny me ‘neath the morning sun?
And do thy kisses like the rest betray?
The cock crows coldly, Go and manifest
A late contrition, but no bootless fear;
For they thy final need is dreariest,
Thou shalt not be denied, as I am here:
My voice to God and angels shall attest,
‘Because I know this man, let him be clear’”

"Let him be clear." And the cool part is the same has been said to us. In spite of all the sins that we have committed, Christ looks upon us and says you're free. Let him be clear of all the charges brought against him. His price has already been paid.

The more I learn about Christ
The more I love Him so.


Timothy Hill said...

Nice. So many songs declaring freedom are running through my head. Great poem and good luck with your paper.

Nathan O. said...

I'm really glad you're keeping up with your blog. It's easy to put it on the backburner, but friends like me really appreciate reading your thoughts on life. You're a bright woman, and you're refreshingly sane (yes, that's supposed to be a compliment). So, I always find it interesting to read your blog. Plus, I think it helps me to know you better and to be a better friend. I say all that to make this completely selfish request: PLEASE keep up with your blog! Fight the backburner tendency!