Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chapel Thoughts

Singing in chapel on tuesday, I came to a realization about something. As we were singing 'Here I am to Worship,' I began to think about the words of the bridge we were singing.

"I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon on that cross"

It made me curious. It didn't seem like a completely correct statement. I mean, we know the cost- Jesus paid it. The cost of my sin was death. It was dirt mixed with blood from a wound. It was pain and isolation. It was salty tears and buckets of sweat. It was the Father's sacrifice of his beloved, solitary son. It was the love of a Saviour that could not allow any soul to perish because the price was too high.

I also understand that I may never fully comprehend the magnitude of that day. It's possible that the scope of the sacrifice is beyond human words and cognition.

But more than that, I believe that it is simply something I won't ever have to know. Because the price has been paid, I'll never have to know just how high that price really is.

In my years at school, just barely skimming the surface of the depths of information there is on theology and christianity, I have come to know this: As I learn more information about God and His kingdom, and His hand in history, my world becomes impossibly smaller. God is the creator of time and space. He is the vastness of the sky. He paints each sunrise and sunset. He placed each individual star in their own created space. He created every river and every stream. Every mountain and every hill. Every desert and every valley. Every jungle and every wetland. Every blade of grass and every grain of sand. Every rock and tree was crafted in His hands. He created every living being from the blue whale to the tiny hummingbird. And yet the God who placed the stars in the sky cared enough about you and I to send His Son to his death.

For you.
For Me.
So that we wouldn't have to know the cost.